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Wai Sun Seto " John Szeto", Loving Father & Man

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Hello everyone, My name Kayla Szeto daughter of Wai Sun Seto whom we all known as John Szeto. It Saddens me to say that December 18th, 2023 around 7:15 am, I got a call that completely changed my life.... My Father passed away..... I have been Heartbroken, Devastated, left at a loss for my words & in complete Shock. Everyone who knew my father knows he loved his food, loved being a jokester, causing a little havoc when he was bored but loved his family dearly. When he was younger before he got sick, he loved fishing, drinking coffee throughout the day (very big coffee drinker), cooking & fixing electronics (he was a technician for 15 years) & being his own personal handy man. My father later on suffered from diabetes, heart attacks and strokes which lead to him being wheelchair bounded and causing him to lose his abilities with his whole left side of his body and was falling a lot. He refused to ask for help wanting to be independent through it all and he was very stubborn. My family & I would never ask for anything, but my father's last wish was to be buried beside his parents at the Chinese Cemetery in Daly City, California. As his Family and eldest daughter, we want to send him off properly and give him what he truly deserves. Anything helps but funerals are expensive, and his life insurance only covers so much. Thank You for taking the time to read this and if you knew me or anyone in my family and was lucky enough to even meet my dad, then you truly know how proud of him we are. Today is December 21, 2023 & what would of been his 61st birthday. In loving memory of Wai Sun Seto December 21, 1962 - December 18, 2023. -All Proceeds will be provided to the Immediate family of John Szeto (Kayla Szeto) to pay for Funeral Expenses.


Kayla Szeto
San Francisco, CA

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