Walk 500 Miles for Ellis
"Walk 500 Miles" for Ellis, so that one day he can walk by himself in confidence and comfort. Any donation would be greatly accepted, and we ask that when you donate, you tell us how many miles you have walked for Ellis. Together, even though we are apart, we can walk the 500 for this little superman. All monies raised and not used will be re-donated to causes that help to treat babies and children like Ellis.
Hi everyone!
We have created this fundraiser for Ellis McCann, son of Chris and Niamh McCann (Campbell). Ellis was born to Niamh, Chris and big brother Evan in February 2021, bringing much joy, happiness and smiles to their little family. During a difficult pregnancy, there were some worrying complications, and it was discovered that Ellis had congenital bilateral atypical talipes equinovarus, or Clubfoot, which would need treatment and surgeries during his first few years of life. Clubfoot is a condition in which the feet turn inwards and upwards, due to an unusually short Achilles Tendon, in which the feet take the shape of golf clubs, hence the name Clubfoot. It varies in severity. Ellis' condition is particularly profound and will effect his ability to walk.
Born 3 weeks early in Portiuncula Hospital, Ellis was sent home after a few days without initial treatment and an appointment was made for him to be seen in Galway at 4 weeks old, where his parents were informed of how he would be treated. An initial 6 weeks of "casting" in which both of his legs would be covered from foot to hip in soft pliable casts each week for 6 weeks. The treatment began, but unfortunately failed due to the casts constantly slipping and causing Ellis a lot of pain and discomfort. As a result of the failed treatment, his condition is worse now than when he was born.
The doctors in Galway decided to transfer Ellis to Crumlin Children's Hospital, where they felt that Ellis would receive more specialized treatment and more expertise. The same method of casting began again, unfortunately again to no avail. Weeks of unnecessary pain and discomfort for Ellis and more worry for the family. Niamh and Chris researched high and low, spoke to many experts in the field of Clubfoot throughout Europe, America and Canada. It is during this time, they discovered the work of Dr. Ponseti, a world renowned expert in the area of Clubfoot. They had many zoom appointments and phonecalls with doctors in Manchester, London and Belfast who follow the Ponseti method of treatment with great success, and they felt finally they have an answer that would help their son to walk.
Devastation is only a mild description of how they felt when they took their findings to the doctors in Crumlin, only to be told no, that is not how they treat Clubfoot in this country. Their advice was to immediately book Ellis in for surgery to do an Early Tendonotomy. This method was strongly advised against by the experts around Europe, America and Canada as over 30 years of their research has found that this method results in more surgeries being required throughout the first five years of life, with a lower success rate and a higher pain rate for the patient. Niamh and Chris made the decision that they needed to have Ellis treated outside Ireland to give him the best possible chance of treatment.
Doctor Denise Watson, an expert in the field of Clubfoot, at Chelsea Westminster Hospital in London has decided to take Ellis' case. Unfortunately, when a method of treatment is available in Ireland, and a patient chooses to receive treatment abroad, no funding is available from the State, even if the treatment available clearly is not working. By sheer tenacity and a stroke of luck, Niamh and Chris have found a wonderful charity C-Pro Direct (run by an absolute angel called Stella) who have agreed to provide funding for the treatment and the equipment Ellis will need. Niamh has said many times that she owes her life and sanity to these two angel women who have come into their lives at just the perfect time.
However, in order to make all this happen for Ellis, Niamh and Ellis will have to relocate to London initially for a minimum of 8 weeks for his treatment starting mid September 2021. A lot of costs are involved in living abroad, while Chris holds the fort at home with Evan.
This has led us, their family, to weigh in and provide the only help that we can provide. We would like to raise some funds for them, so that they do not have to add finances to their already long list of worries. Funds that will cover living expenses while in London initially for the 8 weeks and for the subsequent appointments that will arise. Treatment for Ellis will expand over five years, so they have a long road ahead of them, with hopefully successful results.
So we ask that we all band together, and as the song goes "Walk 500 Miles" for Ellis, so that one day he can walk by himself in confidence and comfort. Any donation would be greatly accepted, and we ask that when you donate, you tell us how many miles you have walked for Ellis. Together, even though we are apart, we can walk the 500 for this little superman. All monies raised and not used will be re-donated to causes that help to treat babies and children like Ellis.
Thank you so much.