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Walk For Reform

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After seeing Gov. Abbott’s televised remarks at the viewing of George Floyd in Houston, where the Governor committed to seeking meaningful change, Leon Reed, Jr. was inspired to take action.

Leon, a Marine and Fort Worth attorney, will embark on a 200-mile walk from his home in south Fort Worth to the Texas capital to hand deliver a letter to Governor Greg Abbott and discuss the urgency of a police reform plan. He plans on the walk taking approximately eight days.

Leon said: “Protesting is vital and important, and I have participated at several. Still, I felt there was a way that I could make a more significant impact.  I chose to do this walk as a form of peaceful demonstration and as an act of civic sacrifice; it will hopefully draw more national attention to a critical issue in our country. This issue is serious enough for me to walk 200 miles in a hot Texas August, with all of the pain it will certainly entail, to ensure that I can personally put this letter in the Governor’s hands, and have a frank discussion about a plan for bettering police and community relations and concepts for its implementation."

While at the capital, Leon will also deliver thumb drives containing racial profiling data to each office of Texas’ 50 State Senators and 131 House Representatives.

Help tear down the walls of systemic racism in our society and build better police and community relations by financially supporting Leon's Walk For Reform. Donations of any amount will help cover the cost of the journey, including lodging, food, safety vehicle rental, supplies, etc. Giving at this time is a way to support his sacrifice, and to walk in solidarity alongside him as he makes this important trek. 

Please give to this effort and share with your friends and loved ones who are also passionate and committed to improving police and community relations. Funds in excess of trip expenses will go towards further efforts designed to bridge the divide between the police and the communities they serve.

Give below and keep progress on the Walk on the Walk For Reform Facebook Page:

(This fundraiser was created by the Walk For Reform Campaign Team.)
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  • Lowry Manders
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Sharonda Powe
    • $20
    • 4 yrs
  • Reagan Wynn
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Margaret Edwards
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
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Leon Reed
Fort Worth, TX

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