Sarahlees walking Dream
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My name is Sarahlee Skidders. For those that do not know me. I was born and raised in Akwesasne, where I currently work as a program assistant at the Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club. Here I try to help enrich the lives of our youth everyday. My daily routine makes that a little difficult, but I face each day with the determination to give back to my community what it has given me.  Until just about 10 years ago, I was just like every other high school student. I was active in the community (volunteering every chance I had). I worked hard in school, played many sports, and enjoyed hanging out with my friends with any free time left. One night, in the summer of 2007 everything changed. When you're that young you never think about how one decision can effect the rest of your life. While I cannot go back and change my decision to get behind the wheel, or even put myself in the situation in the first place. Hopefully I can use my experience to influence as many people not to make the same mistakes I did. The last ten years I have spent trying to rebuild myself physically, emotionally, and learning to accommodate my everyday life.  My accident happened July 22, 2007 date I will never forget. I Will never forget the date, but all I remember was waking up in the hospital two days later. We'll come back to that in a moment. I now know, that I was ejected from my 2003 mini cooper where I sustained multiple lacerations of the right kidney. Several rib and vertebral fractures with bilateral perched facets. There was undisplaced fractures of the posterior segment of the left fifth to seventh ribs. There was compression atelectasis in the right middle lobe and right lower lobe that happen while on the table. There are bilateral fractures through the inferior facets of T6 and superior facets of T7. There are fractures of the right transverse processes of T5 and T6, and both transverse processes of T7 and T8. The first and only question from my sisters was probably what you are asking yourself now. What does all that mean, and will she ever walk again? All the doctor could say is will know for sure in a couple weeks, but be prepared that life will drastically be changing. In which walking and living a care free life are not in the cards. Some would say I was in denial, but something inside told me that science and technology were making new grounds. It gave me some comfort, but as I watched my family cry for me that day, I worried for them. Thinking about how this would affect their already busy lives.  On July 24, 2007, I woke up in the Ottawa hospital surrounded by family. All of which had watery eyes. My sister Kathleen was rubbing my forehead all I heard her say is you have such perfect eyebrows. I remember looking at her with a smile, and saying "I just got them done". After that, reality set in. First I felt the neck brace holding my head completely still. Then also feeling (what I now know was) a chest tube seeping fluid. The nurse cleared out the room for the doctor to come in. He ran some tests, asking if I could feel anything while he was squeezing my toes. My response was "you’re not touching me". He nods his head and calls my family back in. My sisters came to the top of the bed and picked some twigs and leaves out of my hair. The doctor got their attention to give my prognosis. Everyone cried while I laid there saying it's going to be ok. I'm still here that's all that matters it was gut wrenching to think of the thing I wasn't going to be able to do. So, I focused on making the family know everything will be fine.  The simple things in my life such as showering, going to the bathroom, and getting dressed were now a daily challenge. It was very difficult going from a carefree spirit to someone who needed to rely on others to get through a regular day. I've been fortunate enough to have my family to lean on. I've had my moments when giving up seems easy, but when I look at how far they have carried me (sometimes literally). The things they have sacrificed to help me, it erases the thought completely. Between moving in with my grandmother, because she had a home care provider that I couldn’t get approved for. My two eldest sisters, and my mother who came over to help me get ready everyday. Believe me, these are the things that make giving up not even an option. I am happy to say after 10 years I am now so much closer to my independence. I have been given the oppoutunity to receive Stem cell treatment in Cologne, Germany. From which I have regained some abdominal feeling. I have been given the chance to go to Panama City, Panama. Where I have regained bowel control, and hip movement. Most recently I have been given the chance to travel to Thailand Bangkok for an Epidural Stimulation and stem cell treatment. This is a 40-day treatment of, epidural stimulation, 120 million MSC, Stem Cell growth factor injection, about 125 sessions of therapy, detox and immune boost while there. This treatment is more than I have. The potential treatment outcomes are: - improved motor function including the ability to stand up and walk with support; - improved balance and coordination; - improved muscles mass and strength; - improved muscles tone; - improved sensory function; - improved bladder and bowel function and control; - improve fine and gross motor skills. Please check out the video: https://youtu.be/6jK_RezJOAE I was approved for treatment in December 2018, however the cost of this treatment is $92,000. I am hoping to raise enough to travel with all medical necessities and a family member to help me along. For more information check out these links below: Unique Access Medical & Epidural Stimulation Now page
Sarahlee Skidders
Hogansburg, NY