Walking for the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields
Tax deductible
Hello! I'm raising money to benefit The Nuxhall Foundation Inc (Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Field), and any donation will help make an impact. In tribute to late Hamilton Educator Tom Alf, and in an effort to raise funds for the Fields, on this Friday (September 24th) I will be walking from my home in Fairfield to Great American Ballpark (21.5 miles!) for a Reds game. I will personally match the first $500 in donations, with a goal to raise $1000 for the Fields. 100% of the funds raised by this event will be sent directly to the Foundation.
More information about The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League: The Vision of the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields is to be the most comprehensive family sports facility for children and adults with disabilities.
Ben Otto
Fairfield, OH
The Nuxhall Foundation, Inc.