Wallace household Bills and Medical
Hello, my name is Jessica Wallace. I am Calebs wife. Caleb has unfortunately been intubated due to COVID hitting his lungs hard. Caleb has always worked hard to allow me to be a stay at home mom and now in these difficult times I don’t know where to turn. We have 3 beautiful girls and one more darling that will join us Sept 27. I have had friends and family ask how they can help, and for the longest time bills we’re not on my mind but with Caleb being out for over 2 weeks the bills are approaching and we were not prepared for this to be happening. I need help with mortgage, water, electricity and necessities for the girls. Anything helps at the moment. I’m trying to prepare for this month and the next.
With being this far along in pregnancy I can’t get a job and after delivery I’ll need s few weeks to recover. I have been in contact with his doctors and they have estimated Caleb will be out at least 6 months. 1-2 intubated and at least 6 months of hard rehab to get him back on his feet.
8/24/21-This money is also going towards Calebs medical bills as they start coming in. He’s now been in the hospital since July 30th and I know I must prepare for them as well. Gotta pray for the best and prepare for the worst.