Warm Hearts Club
Donation protected

My name is Peyton and I am 8 years old from Chicago, Illinois. I recently started this club, called the Warm Hearts Club. I am fundraising money (currently my only funds have come from family members) to raise money so I can purchase fabric to make blankets for the elderly in nursing homes and hospitals (and for the sick and people have may have lost a home due to natural disaster too- see below). My story on how this all started is below:
My first blanket that I made was for my grandpa (a Cubs one) as he was going to be at a VA nursing home. I wanted him to feel warm and loved while in at his new place. A few weeks after making his blanket I made one for Alice, an elderly neighbor.
There were many people at Alice's home that loved the beautiful blanket. I had requests for more to be made. I went on and made 6 more blankets, several wraps, and a few wheel chair blankets for other residents with the hope of more to come. And that's all how it all began.
Have you ever noticed how cold the thin quilts are in hospitals and homes? How can anyone sleep when they are freezing? I want them to feel comfortable and warm as if they are at home. These blankets do it for them. It worked for my grandpa who was hurt years ago. My mom and Aunt made one for him after he kept complaining that he was so cold at night and after he received his blanket he slept throught the night.
Often times people at nursing homes are either forgotten or don’t have a family so to get a gift from little kids is a blessing. To see a smile on their face by opening a gift is the most amazing experience. I want to keep spreading the happiness, love and warmth that these blankets bring.
Apparently, this has touched many peoples hearts and now I have been receiving tons of requests for others who are in need. Recently, I made some blankets for some people going through cancer treatments and I just sent out a big batch to a firehouse. If I can create smiles on faces and send warmth their way then this is what makes me happy.
A family member of mine designed a logo off a sketch that I made. This logo will be attached to each blanket. I am hoping to continue the Warm Hearts Club in other states so kids can have fun giving back to their community. With enough funds, I think it would be possible.
Recently, I gave a blanket to an elderly lady name, Arista. I just found out that she died one week after she received her blanket and my elderly neighbor, Alice just passed away this morning. At least they both had something special to help make their last days on earth extra warm.
Each blanket will be specially wrapped and is sent with a note card that is signed by each club member who helped make it.
The reason why I am asking for $1500 is because my goal is to make 100 blankets. Each blanket costs anywhere between $12-$30 based on the store's sales or coupons. I need to purchase note cards, wrapping paper and labels for the blankets too.
I hope you can help, just a little can go a long way. Making people who have sacrificed a lot in their life to better our lives is what makes me so happy. I just want to return the favor to them.
Many thanks!
Bobi 'Krisch' Komer
Frankfort, IL