Washington State Stage Tech Emergency Fund
Do you like going to concerts? Musicals? Music Festivals? Theater? Conferences? TV? Movies? If you've said yes to any of these, you likely know that your entertainment relies on the hard work of stage hands and stage technicians, right?
We're the people who set up, operate and take down all the shows you love. We're there first, we work hard all day long to ensure the show must go on, and we leave last once everything is packed up. We can't work from home. We rely on public and private events to make our living.
We make your memories happen by working long hours and now with covid-19, we're all hurting. During this Pandemic, the event industry is hurting, badly. Washington state and Oregon have banned public gatherings of over 250 people and as a result of this ruling, 99% of our work has dried up overnight for the next month or maybe longer. Many of us live pay check to pay check, some of us are independent contractors, and in our lifetime, most of us have not ever had an entire months work evaporate in a matter of moments. Lots of us have savings, but how do you prepare for something like this? Many workers now won't be able to pay their rent, phone bills, put gas in their vehicles, or even purchase food to feed themselves or their families.
This go fund me is set up to help the most vulnerable of us. The people who rely on stage work to feed their kids, pay for medication, pay their rent, etc...
If you r income is stable, and you are able to help at all, please consider donating. Just a couple of dollars can go a long way. If you love seeing live music, talked about how great that festival you went to was, sat in a theater and had a piece of art touch your heart or inspired you, you'll have those memories forever. We are the behind the scenes and we currently could use some help.
over the last 12 hours we've been flooded with requests, so I have increased our goal.
If you're a stage technician in need, please fill out this survey in order to get financial assistance