Washoe County Artist Relief Fund - COVID-19
Washoe County is rich with artists. We are fortunate enough that their generosity and commitment to creation of all types contributes to a robust culture. These creatives are our neighbors, friends and family, and their very existence relies on people having access to their work. The widespread cancelation of group events has a direct and disproportionate affect on our arts community, especially those dependent on these monies to pay their most essential bills.
As Sierra Arts Foundation firmly believes that every segment of our region benefits from these creatives, we wish to rally support for them during this time of need. We are mobilizing a quick-response fund that will help those in the greater Washoe County region's art community who have been financially impacted by COVID-19 cancellations and disruption of normal operations.
We will help as many artists in need (actors, directors, dancers, movement specialists, musicians, spoken word artists, teaching artists, visual artists and more) for as long as we have funding.
Where your funds go: 100% of funds donated will go to the artists and arts organizations who have lost income due to cancellations and work disruption. This is emergency funding to help artists in need with rent, food, utilities and medical needs. Sierra Arts Foundation will allocate up to $500 per artist/organization, based on how much funding is received.
We ask artists to fill out a simple application, to be reviewed by a collection of assessors. We will communicate with those who will be awarded monies as soon as possible.
Artists: click here to take our survey and apply for relief.
Donors: please know your contributions are being routed through Sierra Arts Foundation, a 501(c)(3) with 50 years of sound and celebrated fiscal agentry. Any gift you make is appreciated and will go toward sustaining the vibrant culture all of us in this area have worked so diligently to create.
Sierra Arts Foundation firmly believes that art can solve any problem. For this to be true, we must fiercely protect our arts and artistic landscape.
We will get through this together.