Water for the Hangry Donkey Sanctuary 501 c3
Donation protected
We have had our water cut off from the City of Scottsdale and now are having to have it hauled from long distances. This triples the price of our water here at the sanctuary. We have at least 25 donkeys taken from terrible situations that have found a home with us here. We rehabilitate some for adoption to great homes, and the old and chronically ill ones will stay with us and get lots of love, medical care and attention until the day they pass.
We love what we do here but with the cost of feed doubling, the requests for taking in abandoned donkeys (which we are now sadly having to turn away), and now this dire water situation and record heat this summer, we are struggling. The good news is, the state legislature, with the governor's signature, have passed a bill to form a standpipe district that will provide us with an affordable source of water. The bad news is, bureaucracy moves slowly and we have alot of thirsty donkeys here with these three-digit temps. We are paying approx 1600 a month for just water this summer here at the sanctuary, which compared to last year has tripled. as it must be hauled in from miles away until the bill's water supply begins.
We have a low producing well that we were able to put a filtration system on with our last fundraiser. It has saved us multiple times, supplementing the hauled water. Unfortunately, the rate from the well has fallen off to below one gallon a minute now and we are looking at a quote to pull and replace the old well pump.
Please help if you can and please pass the word. We love the work we do with these special animals and want it to continue. Thank you so much.
Rose Carroll of The Hangry Donkey Sanctuary 501 c3 EIN 88-342-4258
30615 N 162nd St
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Scottsdale, AZ