Water for Orphans in Africa
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In Kenya there is a young church which is taking responsibility for 62 orphans. They are organizing a school for these orphans and for the local children. There is only one catch. They need clean water. Like many other places in Kenya, water is the key to unlocking health, opportunity and education.
My local congregation, the Rock Springs church of Christ along with many individuals will be working with the Commerce church of Christ to make this possible.
Here is the story in the church leader's own words...
My name is Nathan Kisakui Oloumu. I am a Maasai from Kenya. We live in Kumpa Location, Namanga Division, Kajiado District, Rift-Valley Province, Kenya, East Africa. We are located in the southern parts of Kenya which borders Kenya and Tanzania.
I am a graduate from the Bear Valley School of preaching extension school. I am the gospel preacher at the Church of Christ Leboo. I am working to help establish faithful congregations in Maasai land. We have started this effort of reaching out to many Maasai villages that have never heard the gospel with the gospel and we have established over 30 faithful congregations so far.
We are also working with the orphans and vulnerable children here in Maasai land. We have over 62 orphans under our care at this time. We have constructed a modern house {orphanage} that will accommodate these children. We are furnishing the orphanage at this time and we look forward to taking them in mid-December.
We have also constructed a Christian elementary school where the orphans’ children can get their education. The orphans will get their education here but also the children from the surrounding community can come and learn here. Those who are not orphans are coming from their homes study and go home in the evening but the orphans study and remain in the orphanage.
The great challenge that we face here as a community is the lack of water. There are no wells in several villages. People will walk for over 7 Kilometers to get to the nearest water source. As for the orphanage will need help to get a well and also get tanks to harvest the rain water. The wells are drilled at a deep of 200-250 meters deep. The cost of drilling a well and equipping it is $ 18,000 { this included the drilling, equipping and tanks installation}. Please help us in this matter.
See the detailed invoice here.
For more information please see our webpage or feel free to contact the sponsoring congregation, the Commerce church of Christ, Commerce Texas, https://commercechurchofchrist.com/contact/ .
Or my local congregation the Rock Springs church of Christ at https://churchofchristrocksprings.squarespace.com.
This page will be active for one month, from December 15th through January 15th. At that time the congregation here will withdraw the money into the church bank account and write a check to the Commerce church for the well.
Tassie Bauman Smith
Rock Springs, WY