Funeral and celebration of life expenses
On the morning of December 18th, my Dad (John Stevens) passed away at home. In his death he leaves behind my lovely mother (Mary Stevens) myself and my two siblings (Ben and Samantha) and 7 beautiful grandchildren. John left an impression everywhere he went and touched so many people’s lives.
We are all devastated by the loss of my dad and are not prepared for the high costs of his cremation and service. We want to give my dad the memorial he deserves when we can gather safely outdoors and honor all of his life memories.
I’m asking our friends and family for donations to help cover costs of the cremation and other upcoming bills. I’m doing this to try to give my mother some peace of mind during the holidays and help ease the financial burden during her time of loss.
If you have ever met my dad, you might have thought of his stories as tall or far fetched. The stories were all true. He was exactly as amazing as he sounded. He’ll forever be my hero, the biggest fish in the whole world, my dad.