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Wayloh's Tummy Surgery

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So this is my first experience with gofundme. And I wish it were because I had some new startup idea or I wanted to take a killer trip to The Alps.

Unfortunately, it's to help my girlfriend Maddie pay for surgery for her 6 month old kitten, Wayloh. The little dude somehow makes more trouble than her, which is why they're so great together.

Wayloh hasn't been eating for days and is continuously throwing up. A trip to the vet and a few x-rays showed that he has some object stuck in his stomach that he most likely swallowed. He needs to get surgery this week or else there will be fatal consequences.

The procedure and expenses are too much for one college student to handle, which is why I'm turning to crowdfunding. Any amount of help can get this kitten the help it needs. Freak accidents like this come out of nowhere and a life shouldn't be put in jeopardy because of tight financial situations.

My favorite memory with Wayloh is how much he loved on a specific pair of pants that I own. He spent nearly an entire day snoozing on them after I left them on my floor. Help us get him back to a place where he can love some more.


  • Abby Keatinge
    • $50
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Brian Bachir
Columbus, OH
Madeline Yurkoski

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