WCSO K9 Tanner
9 year old Tanner has served with the Watauga County Sheriff's office for 7 years and has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in his right leg. In order for Tanner to medically retire he requires surgery and medications along with careful follow up medical care. We are looking to the Watauga County community to help provide Tanner with the life saving medical care he needs in order to retire after completing his service to our community. Tanner is a patient of Dr. Emily Beard and The Animal Emergency & Pet Care Clinic of the High Country. Locally owned and operated holistic
pet store "The Pet Place" has graciously agreed to partner with us in this fundraising endeavor. Through out Tanner's career as a canine deputy for
Watauga County he has recovered countless narcotics and aided in the apprehension of numerous criminals. In addition to his professional career in
law enforcement Tanner is more than just a member of the Sheriff's office, he is a member of his handler's family. Canine deputies live with their
handlers and live their lives after retirement as a member of their family.