Helping my mom battle cancer
Hi, my name is Stephanie Lucas, and my mom is Darcy Clyne. She's also a grandma to my Nephew Spencer. we may have a small family but our love is big. My mom is undergoing Chemo Therapy and Radiation in hopes to defeat her Cervical cancer. As many of you know my family is no stranger to cancer, as my brother Kyle and my Sister Danielle both had cancer battles of their own. My sister sadly not winning her war. and although my brother defeated his cancer, he's not with us anymore either. Not being a stranger to loss doesn't make it any easier. It just means my family has known this pain for too long now. My mom has had a build up of Doctor appointments leading up to the start of her chemo therapy. Money has been tight already but it has just got too tight for us to handle on our own. I am asking if anyone has anything they could donate to help me take care of my mom. It will be used for food, drives to and from Doctors appointments, and her copays. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thank you in advance for any help you can provide, it is deeply appreciated.