A rare form of Leukaemia has wrecked havoc on our little girls body, causing her to be battling for her life once again. Without immediate treatment, Sahra will have her life cut short by cancer like many of the children born in Somalia.
As salaamu Alaykum my dear brothers and sisters,
Sahra was diagnosed with cancer at just seven years of age. Her parents noticed she bruised her knee after a fall whilst playing with her younger sisters but they didn’t think much of it. Little did they know that their life would be turned upside down by a tragic revelation.
Two days later, little Sahra was rushed to the closest hospital, three hours away from
her rural village suffering and in clear agony. After numerous x-rays and weeks of blood testing her parents were told their beautiful little girl was suffering from a rare form of leukaemia (CML) and doctors cannot treat her due to lack of facilities and advanced treatments available.
Sahra is facing an incredibly challenging future with more hurdles to overcome with COVID 19 but we want to give her a fighting chance at survival.
Her parents are coping with huge financial and emotional demand. Your kind contributions will go straight towards the cost of hospital expenses, travel expenses, living costs, learning tools and potential further treatments.
So, my dear brothers and sisters we are in the blessed month of Ramadan coming up to the last 10 nights.
“The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.” Surah Al Qadr, Verse 3
This means the reward for one good deed is multiplied many fold and truly there is no better time than this blessed
month even if it’s as little as £1. The Prophet (saw) said: “The
believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Al-Tirmidhi). So please give generously to help save this little girls life in sha Allah.
May Allah swt reward you immensely for your donations and may it rest heavy on your scales on the day it matters most. Ameen.
Thank you all for your kindness and generosity.