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My name is JoEllen Rodriguez and I am Johnny's Mom. On October 20, 2023 Johnny was diagnosed with ALS. Here is his Story:
On October 20, 2023 I was diagnosed with ALS. The weeks that followed were extremely tough on me and my family trying to comprehend what that meant for our future. I began to understand quickly how important it is to slow down and APPRECIATE the PRESENT and make the most of every moment throughout each and every day. I honestly have never felt healthier and been happier than I have the last couple of months cherishing the life I have and not sweating the small stuff. I've prayed on how to go about this journey for a while. The mind is so much more powerful than we give it credit for and though statistics will say ALS is 100% fatal, I 100% believe my family and I are going to get through this. I have assembled an incredible team of forward thinking alternative medicine doctors that I see almost daily including my GUY @drholder leading the charge in the Chinese Medicine game. I have a wife and a growing family that motivates me everyday to continue to sprint when the distance is unknown. I am contemplating some trials and am still open to a combined approach between eastern and western medicine. Prayers are always welcomed as well. I would like to thank my Mater Dei family and lacrosse program, my friends and family and of course my wife @ceej03 and our little man Jett for helping me get to the mindset I'm in right now. I'm living my best life and I do not need anyone feeling bad or sorry for me. Loving life is all I'm interested in right now.
Note from Mom: Johnny is a champion in so many ways. We believe in Hope, We believe in Miracles and we Believe in JrodStrong03!
Johnny Rodriguez
Costa Mesa, CA