We Care - Hope and Kindness Bags
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M-PAC Cleveland is partnering with the Civics 2.0 Democracy in Action Program of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District to construct and deliver care bags containing personal care, health and wellness products, food gift cards along with expressions of sympathy and resource information to families who have lost loved ones due to gun violence in the greater Cleveland area.
M-PAC-Cleveland (MPAC) is a collaboration of families and friends who are surviving a murder loss new normal. We are linking survivors for reciprocal support through prayer, activity, and conversation. Moreover, MPAC strives to uplift, encourage, and inspire healing by offering resources and spiritual guidance.
Civics 2.0 is an authentic learning experience that prepares students for active citizenship by immersing them in a civics “laboratory” experience where they learn, practice, and apply their knowledge of civic engagement. Students are advocating for or against issues important to them and their communities. Due to the surge of shootings and guns being brought to schools, students developed action plans to address gun violence. One middle school and one high school class developed action plans that include creating informative, nourishing, and helpful care packages for families who have lost loved ones due to gun violence.
While we hope that the need for bags will decrease, the average number of deaths due to guns in Cleveland, Ohio from 2020 - 2022 is 218. Therefore, our goal is to create 200 additional bags for distribution throughout the remainder of the year. The goal is to get bags to families immediately following their tragedy.
M-PAC Cleveland