We continue to see people respond to the Gospel
Tax deductible
As we continue to reach communities with the Gospel throughout our fields of ministry, we continually find ourselves in need of Bibles for the new believers to read. With the many varied languages and tribal dialects we find it easiest to purchase Bibles in country vs having them printed and shipped from America. This requires deposits and full payment prior to completion of shipment. We are looking to purchase 300 Bibles to distribute in several countries in Asia and Central Africa. If you would like to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Sharon India Foundation, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause.
More information about Sharon India Foundation: As we continue to educate and equip the poor and disenfranchised in India, Asia, and Africa please join us in making a difference in the lives of these precious communities. To learn more go to https://www.sharonindia.org
Daniel Baker
Sarasota, FL
Global Discipleship Network DBA Sharon India Foundation DBA Teens For Christ Intl