This is serious. The most so since our inception.
Furever Farm WILL close within the next couple of weeks if we can not raise funds to keep helping the animals. Our account balance has slipped dangerously low. Only $2000 currently sits within. To give you some perspective of the danger we find ourselves in; this amount of funds cannot pay for a load of hay. We currently have two round bales remaining and we cannot afford to replenish them. This amount will not cover our vet bills. We currently have two animals, Shirley and Bertie, and likely Sweet Pea requiring surgery that we cannot afford. We cannot even afford to pay our sanctuary electricity bill.
The past year has absolutely crippled the sanctuary to the point that we now find ourselves in. We are at the point of shutting the gates, deregistering as a charity and possibly foreclosing on the mortgage that holds the property together as we have depleted personal funds towards the sanctuary. We do not qualify for a personal loan.
There now sits nothing but dirt and rocks on the grounds of the paddocks. The 2024 season, so devastatingly dry, has destroyed ground feed seeing the cost of feed & fodder skyrocket to the point of exhaustion. As we pray for a return to a normal wet season we do so knowing that this, too, would be months off....if at all.
Our account has seen an incoming total of approximately $9'000 with an outgoing of $18'000, a division not uncommon but unsustainable.
We have wracked our brains, currently lose sleep, stressed and cried over the situation that stands as we simply see no way out. Our tears and concerns rest with the animals. What of them? Where do they go? We look at all of the magnificent work accomplished here and with our team. The likes of beautiful Karma. What an inspiration! Scarlet in the past. Another true champion. Sweet Pea, the tiniest of souls drawn the short straw but being helped and saved by the sanctuary. Kit-Kat, Jake, and even old folk such as Malala and Punky nursed comfortably into their beautiful lives.
We feel a myriad of emotions at the moment, as we face the fact that within such a short time it will all be over. Guilt, sadness, frustration, despair. The world needs more sanctuaries, not sanctuaries closing down. We feel at fault.
As clich'ed as this may sound; we are begging you all. It simply has come to that. Please, please donate (tax deductible) if you can. Furever Farm MUST raise our total to stay alive and continue into a (hopeful) future. We understand times are tough, but the animals need all our help.
We also need hay, particularly round bales, desperately. If you can spare some to come to the sanctuary we will be eternally grateful, as will the bubbas.
It is now or never. We thank you all so much for your past help, and we thank you in advance for any help you can give in this desperate time.
Together we can break the chains so the animals remain free.
With so much love,
Darren, Hayley, the team & the animals.
Furever Farm
White Hill, SA
Furever Farm Incorporated