We stand with Slidewaters! Help support!
Chelan water park has been through so many hoops to be able to open for the community to give some feel of normalcy during this unfortunate time. They’ve faced a lot of obstacles and were finally given the approval to open! They were excited for opening day just to get told it was a “miscommunication” and are now facing fines. They have done nothing wrong, have met every guideline & safety precaution. They have done everything right- just simply defied an Inslee order. Please stand with Lake Chelan as we support this family and local business!
Wanted to add I’m just a local Chelan Resident who has been going to Slidewaters since I was a little kid and now get to share Slidewaters with my kids! Definitely a special place to me with many memories! I will be working with the Bordner family to add a beneficiary for the funds so that they can withdrawal the funds! & Thank you to LeeAnne Casal-Inda for assisting in the communication with the owners!
Thank you for all the support and messages and suggestions! KEEP SHARING ! :)
Also hear me out.
This isnt a anti-COVID fundraiser. I’m not saying COVID isn’t real or that masks don’t help.
What I am saying is slidewaters not being able to operate is not fair. They’ve done everything right besides defy an Inslee order. Im supporting a local family & a small business. State parks are crowded with absolutely no safety guidelines in place and hotels are running their pools-it shouldn’t be any different for slidewaters.