We lost our home due to my husband having Cancer
Donation protected
I'm Jan and I am a mother and a wife of Rob , we have two children Joshua 16 and Jake 14 Rob and I have been together 20 years. We have had our ups and downs and some very tough times. It?s still challenging now
We met in 2001. We had an absolute ball living in a cool apartment in Nottingham City Centre. We were married in March 2006 and I fell pregnant with Josh immediately. We were so excited.
However, by the summer Rob started to feel unwell. Several Doctor visits finally revealed he had throat Cancer.
Watching my husband literally withering away in front of me was horrific. He lost five stone over the next 6 months. I had Josh on the 7th December. He was 3 weeks early and sadly Rob couldn?t make the birth as he was having treatment. Our healthy baby boy was the best ever as if he knew to be good, because Mummy and Daddy were struggling.
We were both self employed at the time, but the work dried up as Rob couldn?t work effectively. We couldn't keep up the mortgage payments and eventually had no option but to go bankrupt. We lost our home. I thought i was going to lose my husband These were grim times.
We were renting a house so we could be flexible so we were able to move to Spain for a while. We now had Jake with us. Our own pool and 5 minutes from the beach. It was one big holiday. We so needed this
We returned to the UK when my Dad became ill. Sadly he passed in 2017
We are still renting at the moment and always feeling on the edge knowing that the landlord could kick us out anytime. Its stressful and very worrisome and what with my husbands health it awful
To add to that this last 18 months have been horrific The main one is the health of Rob. He has been in and out of hospital for the past 18 months, he's had 18 inches of his colon removed, full body rash, mouth cancer - The Cancer has now been removed but he has a hole in the roof of his mouth, it means he has to wear an obturator ( a kind of plate) to seal the hole into his nose. He can't eat or drink properly as food and drink keeps coming out of his nose.
We are awaiting further surgery for this. Recently he's also had lots of blood coming out places it shouldn't. He really is in the wars. I honestly want to take this burden off him
We also had my mum stay with us over Christmas, and she is in her mid 80s. I fear for her health too, and we're trying to encourage her to come live with us permanently. For now she has to sleep in the small office downstairs, a 6 x 6 room. So we want to find a 5 bed house. But importantly we want to buy, so that if the very worst happens to Rob, at least we have a place of our own to live in.
We are waiting surgery for Robs mouth he is going to have a skin craft. He will be in hospital for a week and feeding from a tube through his nose. This is going to be horrific and the recovery is going to be a long one. If I could just give him some positive news to get him through this like raising the deposit for the new home that would be amazing. We currently pay fourteen hundred plus bills a month on a rented accommodation which is ludicrous as we could be paying that off our mortgage and not someone else's.
I honestly don't want this to come across as begging and I'm sure there are people worse off then us but I think we have had our fair share of crap time now and need a little help and a break
Thank you so much in advance for reading my pitch. The picture was of Rob when he came out of his bowel surgery and now we have to go through it all again.
Trust me we will have a massive house warming party once this is all over (hopefully in our new forever home)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart x
Janet W