Women Everywhere Believe
Founded by three Columbia University students in the fields of political science, chemical engineering, and psychology-- WEBelieve is a dynamic solution to address the achievement gap women of color struggle to overcome.
WEBelieve, stands for Women Everywhere Believe, inspired by the vision of a day when all women will believe in their power to change the world.
Through incorporating STEM, positive mindset coaching, and self-expression through the arts-- these remarkable young women were able to design the Dare to Dream Program. A groundbreaking mentorship program for girls of color between the ages of 10-14. The program launched in January and the results were life-changing. In working with the girls, a space was created that fostered sisterhood and healing. The girls designed their own natural hair care products; were challenged to find solutions to social justice issues they were passionate about, and were challenged to reassess their approach to life's obstacles. The girls were also given mentors to support them once the program was over.
By the end of the program, all of the girls
said the program had transformed their lives. In fact, they would recommend it to all girls of color!
Right now, several schools and community centers are working with WEBelieve in NYC to implement even more Dare to Dream Programs! Due to the success and impact of the program in NYC, WEBelieve is expanding nationwide and we need your help!
To spread our mission of leadership and empowerment, we are launching the We Rise Network! A leadership network for college women of color who will be supported in starting a WEBelieve chapter on their college campuses and implementing the Dare to Dream Program.
All donations will be used to support the new chapters and programs! Today you are donating not just to help girls and women of color, but also to change the world!