Help Us Fight Lisa's Cancer Together
Thank you for taking a few minutes, to read our story about Lisa. They say you meet an average of 80,000 people throughout your life. Once in a while, you meet that person who is always there for those that know her, who opens her home to all, who sacrifices her time to help others, and above all, devotes all that she is, to her family and friends. For those of you that do not know Lisa, she is that person. We are asking for your help in covering the expensive and necessary tests and treatments not covered by standard medical insurance to give Lisa the best chance of survival. These treatments can cost $10,000-$20,000 per month. Her husband will need to take time off of work to help her. If you’ve ever met Lisa, you know her sweet smile, her loving heart, and her generous spirit. She is a warrior and will do everything she can to make it through this. Let’s come together and do the same for her. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to read this and donate to alleviate her burden. If you’re unable to donate, we would deeply appreciate if you could share this with others.

Let's rally around Lisa, who needs our support through her journey with Stage IV Angiosarcoma Cancer and unexpected medical expenses. On January 14, 2011 Lisa was diagnosed with Stage IV Angiosarcoma of the scalp, breast, and ovaries which has since spread to her right kidney, abdomen, the lungs, intestines and brain. She has endured many painful rounds of chemotherapy and has underwent many surgeries which have included a radical hysterectomy, a radical double mastectomy, numerous spinal taps, bone marrow aspirations and removal of her right kidney just to name a few. Lisa's cancer is unusual and unexpected, a very rare and aggressive form that many doctors have not seen. However, unfortunately, this cancer can find just about anyone and change the course of their life. Over the past 10 years, when Lisa's cancer first metastasized; thanks to her wonderful friends and family, she was able to raise enough money for medical bills. Now, Lisa needs your help again. Since January this year, Lisa's cancer markers have been rising, and recent scans show widespread metastatic disease in the brain, right lung, and intestines. Lisa is suiting up for battle once again, changing her protocol (with her oncologist and naturopathic doctors' help), and have already begun new, more aggressive treatments. Lisa has a phenomenal support system of family and friends and has appreciated the well wishes and prayers. Many people have asked how they can help. We, as her family are asking for you to consider a gift to her. Lisa has the opportunity to take advantage of cutting-edge cancer treatment. We need your help to defray these expenses and any medical or day to day costs. No amount is too big or too small to help. The estimated cost for the rest of the year (that is not covered by Lisa's Insurance) is $100,000 plus. Lisa has recently completed whole brain radiation which has left her with some speech and memory issues and is working very hard with her speech and cognitive therapists five days a week in hopes of making a full recovery. While chemotherapy has been undeniably tough, she has the same positive attitude, strength, and determination to beat this disease, a feat equally as inspiring. Please feel free to share this fundraiser widely with others who know Lisa, know you, or would support this cause. God has recently given The Basler/LaJiness family a little too much to deal with on their own. And anyone who knows Lisa and her family already know that if the roles were reversed, they would be the first ones to lend a helping hand. Would you consider donating to better Lisa's chances of survival??