Welcome Refugees and Provide Housing
Tax deductible
The Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church and a consortium of congregations called Good Neighbors Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, have been supporting refugee resettlement for nearly a decade. When people are granted refugee status by the US government (often a long, intensive process), they are brought to the country and rely on organizations like Lutheran Social Services for housing, job training, and other needs. Our congregations help provide the furniture and items for a family coming with little or nothing. To arrive without shoes, and then "come home" to beds made up and a kitchen stocked with food is a small but important act of welcome.
This transition is hard enough, but now, a Presidential Executive Order has cut off funding for families who have already entered the US. Please help us to show these families welcome in the midst of so much chaos. Your donation will go to Lutheran Social Services National Capital Area, LSSNCA, and have a direct and immediate impact. Thank you for making a difference!
Rachel Vaagenes
Washington D.C., DC
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capitol Area, Inc