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WellAware1.com Database To Web

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WARNING: The information presented here is not for everyone. The concepts and visual evidence presented has been known to permanently change a person's perspective of the world around them. The shock of learning that you have been lied to your entire life is sometimes too much for some to handle, this results in a variety of reactions, some more devastating than others.
Again discretion is advised.

This Video is coming soon  Click here to find out more...

The creation of fictional characters has become evident.  The people behind this one are the Greenberg's and the person known as Bill Cooper (who are all family)  See the video here and learn more on wellaware1.com here


The actor calling out other actors.  It's all a staged scripted out lie to create value in this character so they would be able to spin him off and do documentaries out of it and possibly give him his own investigative reports show.  THAT WAS until I came along and expose them as frauds. Click Here


Further evidence that confirms my work.


WellAware1.com Mission Statement
The objective of WellAware1 is to present the facts about current events that are used to Manipulate the perception of the general public. Throughout history, we the people have been lied to by our leaders. This is a fact. Lives have been lost due to these lies. That is also a fact. When we see events Unfold on TV, that are immediately used to further a political agenda, unanswered questions about things that don't make sense must be answered before we can move forward as a nation.

For the past 6 years, we have been investigating events that have shaped this nation and everyone's perception of the world in which we live. The truth about these events is often not told to the public, and in many cases, the events themselves are just scripted out made for TV movies that are created using actors. Those events are then propagated globally with the intention of deceiving the viewers into believing the events are real but in reality they are not.

The time has come to offer our massive database of evidence to the public. This is where we need your help. I tried to do it myself but this was cutting into the time I needed to use for investigations. It's time to hire a database Guru and let them do what they do best. Once the data is migrated to the web we can then offer it to fellow researchers around the globe to use in their pursuit of the truth, THE REAL TRUTH, about this nation's history and the path we are currently traveling down.

What is the Wellaware1 database?
The database is a growing body of work that surround the past 2 years of my investigations. It names names (REAL NAMES) and provides the viewer with the data that is not available via what THEY want you to know. The actors that use pseudonyms then run for office are a small part of the problem. That fictional person can then opt for a third person to vouch for their identity thus allowing them to run for office without ever having to show a legal form of identification AND ITS ALL 100% LEGAL TO DO THIS. How do you expect our elected officials to act in our best interests when they are free to take payoffs from corporations looking to get a leg up on their competitors, knowing that since we don't know the officials BIRTH name we can never hold them accountable in a court of law.

For example, Jessie Ventura. Not his real name, he admits that. But that name is not even registered to his person. Yet he signed official documents as the Governor of Minnesota using that pseudonym.

In a day and age where you have to show an ID to rent a DVD from the local Blockbuster, you would think that you would at least be required to do that in order to be the elected officials that runs the state where that blockbuster is located. But the unfortunate truth is you don't.

I have looked at in detail, those elected officials in our government that have the responsibility to represent the people of this nation, and the results as to who they really are will shock you.

Whether or not you agree with my findings all it takes is for one of the individuals to be who I say they are to cause you to see the problem that needs immediate attention if we value this country's future.

Have a look for yourself these are only a few. http://www.wellaware1.com/officials



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