Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Wendy Lee medical costs

Donación protegida
Wendy Lee is an outgoing, fun woman who has, unfortunately, broken her foot. Because of her untreated diabetes, her foot has gained an infection in her broken bone. This infection has spread into 5 different bones in her foot and the rest of the bones in her foot have a chance to get infected if not treated soon. In the process, Wendy's kidneys are failing. The doctors have tried pumping her with fluids and getting her to drink a lot of water for the past few days in the hospital. This hasn't worked.  She and her husband will need all the help they can. Her husband is the only one in the household working. They were previously dairy farmers and have lost most of their money. Please contribute to this cause. This means the world to Wendy and her family. Please share this on social media, every dollar helps. Thank you so much.


  • Mike Lee
    • $100
    • 4 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Wendy's support team (3)

Kathryn Merry
Dahlen, ND
Wendy Bratlien Lee
Leah Kay Anderson
Team member

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