We need your help to make our website AD free!
Every year, Ireland Reaching Out helps thousands of people find and connect with their Irish place of origin. Over the last three years, we've met close to 900 visitors here in Ireland and shown them around the place of their ancestors. We've answered tens of thousands of queries via our message board and found living relatives for many of those who've had a meet-and-greet with our volunteers.
We're a team of close to 300 volunteers and with no government funding, we rely solely on the generosity of the Irish Diaspora to keep doing what we do.
We are about to launch our new revised website, with an important change, we propose to have NO advertising. To make this happen, we are organising this once-off campaign to make this jump. A donation today will ensure our website can stay live and be AD FREE ensuring visitors can scroll, research, and chat with volunteers uninterrupted.
In the spirit of Irish storytelling, we encourage you to tell your community, friends, and family about this exciting new era of Ireland Reaching Out.
Thank you for supporting our volunteer community in this important mission to make it easier and more enjoyable for you and your family to explore your Irish heritage.

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Ireland Reaching Out