Weston, Heart Warrior
Weston Kayne was born on July 7th, 2021 to proud parents Sam and Bryon Pangborn. Weston was officially diagnosed with a "Single Ventricle Heart Defect" - a variant of "Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome". Along with his underlying condition, some of the vessels going to his heart are also variants or differ from normal anatomy, making his case a bit more complex. Weston’s condition is treated with a series of three surgeries during the first few years of his life. He had his first surgery on July 12th, which was about 12 hours long. Weston is already amazing his parents, family, and medical team, but faces a challenging journey ahead with additional surgeries and hospitalizations. Please read about Weston’s progress at: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/westonpangborn
Sam, Bryon, and Weston are grateful for the support and prayers they are receiving during this challenging time. We are hoping to raise donations to help support them with their mounting medical bills in the months ahead. Thank you for any support you can provide to sweet Weston!