Donation protected
Hi my name is Meg a longtime local of Banff. I want to help our local outdoors man Edwin who faces housing instability seek shelter next week, while we plummet into a polar vortex. I am wanting to provide him a room in a hotel for at least 4-5 nights, more nights would be much appreciate. I have spoken to the Y in Banff and he can only be housed in Canmore overnight left to fend in the day.
Our dear friend Edwin never asks for anything and only takes what is offered to him. He is resilient and a very kind man.
We need to help get him out of the cold next week and into a warm cozy place.
If all local residents donated a dollar we could even help get him something more permanent for winter.
UPDATE: Edwin is now housed until January 17th at Bow View lodge in Banff, we are now asking for any used clothing that nobody wants, he is a size 32 waist.
I will contine to let the money rise and keep him warm for as long as possible....
Anything helps. Thank you Banff
Meg Taylor
Banff, AB