Donation protected
My name is Matthew Potts, an American language school owner who has lived in Poland since 2007. We are situated on a major highway 4 hours from the Ukrainian border, only 5 hours from Lviv.
Since March 3rd 2022, my wife and I have been raising funds for humanitarian support for Ukraine. With this money we've purchased and delivered more than $27,000 worth of supplies both for displaced Ukrainians in Poland and those who have chosen to stay in Ukraine. I have personally made two trips to Lviv to better understand the situation within the country to maximize the impact of this help.
Some examples of what we sent include: essential medicine (levothyroxine) for people with thyroid disorders in Lviv when it was impossible to find, shoes and sweatshirts to children in the orphanages in Lviv as well as hearing aid batteries and a new refrigerator, sandals and cleaning supplies for communal showers in Lviv, adult diapers for the elderly in Kherson, and both generators and medical supplies which reached Bucha days after the horrors there were first reported.
Our work must continue because of the tremendous needs Ukrainian people still face. The shortages that Ukrainians must endure are hard to fathom for most people who are not living through a war. We count on the generosity of compassionate people.
If you want to help, but you are not comfortable supporting a large organization, please consider my wife and I to be a means of sending support 'directly'. We have zero operational costs--we give our time and energy freely for this cause. We are focused on spending to meet immediate and urgent needs that arise.
Our trusted friends, Igor Pawłyk, Paweł Roszkowski, and/or Tomasz Marcinów, deliver the goods to trusted friends in Lviv, Misha Husiev and Irena Husieva and their sons Svitozar and Radomyr. They work for a church in Lviv and distribute what is needed to the places of greatest need, either directly to the front, to the container town in Lviv (a communal living solution for displaced Ukrainians--https://sundries.com.ua/en/a-town-for-migrants-is-being-set-up-in-lviv-these-are-88-comfortable-container-houses/), or elsewhere in their local community.
Misha and Irena's church in Lviv--> https://lvivtserkva.com/
and their ministry-->https://ccx.org.ua/en
Igor, Tomasz and Paweł (the drivers) are part of this organization --> https://www.facebook.com/StowarzyszeniePomocyChrzanow
We also regularly shopped for the local help center in Chrzanów, which supported at least 200 Ukrainian families in the area until September when it closed. Read more--> https://www.facebook.com/ChrzanowDlaUkrainy
In the interest of transparency, we have saved and documented every receipt since we started and our goal remains to spend every cent given directly on the needs of Ukrainian people.
The funds raised here will be used to purchase food, clothing, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, and essential goods to be sent to Lviv and elsewhere.
Matthew Potts
Delafield, WI