Wheelchair Van & Equipment for Wendy Wessling
Don protégé
In 2012, Wendy Wessling was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a very aggressive form of brain cancer. She was told at that time that she could hope for 2 months to 2 years to live. Because of her faith, family and determination to fight, she has beat this terrible cancer for more than 10 years. She continues to fight, but her strength and mobility have suffered because of side effects from past surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy. Transferring in and out of beds, chairs and regular cars is becoming very difficult if not impossible for her. The Wesslings need to purchase a special bed with a lift and a good, used wheelchair van. Wendy and her husband, Tom, do not have the funds to cover the costs of a van and other durable medical equipment and are asking for your help so Wendy can make her appointments, visit friends and family, go to mass, and enjoy life. The Wesslings are so grateful for all the support she’s received since her diagnosis. All those who’ve ever spent time with Wendy can attest to being enriched and inspired by her positive outlook and loving-kindness to all she encounters.
Organisateur et bénéficiaire
Lynn Weist
Omaha, NE
Wendy Wessling