Rich's plea for a wheelchair
Hi there,
I know how much of a big ask this is and it's not something I have gone into lightly. This is how desperate not only I am but my family is.
I am 38 years old and on the 31st March 2014 my life changed. I woke up in agony, having severe stomach pains. This went on for months until at the end of august I started to lose the ability to walk. By October 2014 I was fully wheelchair bound.
April 2015 my loving partner bought a second hand wheelchair and I suddenly felt that I had my freedom again, in September 2015. We were forced to move areas after I had spent months sleeping on the sofa unable to get upstairs.
When we moved house I was only a few short months later admitted into hospital for 4 months, whilst there the physiotherapist told me that I had not only been diagnosed with f.n.d but also been diagnosed with intervertebral disc disorder and the wheelchair I had was making it worse.
Only a few short weeks later the wheelchair I had was starting to break, this was a devastating blow to me because it meant I could no longer go out on my own. I contacted wheelchair services in the hope they would supply an electric wheelchair but sadly theeir rules stated if I could use a manual in the house I could outside. This just is not the case! I can't propell myself even up a short hill. I can't walk at all so it is left to my other half to push me around. I am 6"5 and weigh just over 17 stone, she already has degenerative arthritis in her back and is in desperate need of physiotherapy herself.
We have two children, a 10 year old and a 2 and a half year old. So not only does she need to push me but also deal with both children near busy roads.
Since we have moved to this house we have not been able to afford to carpet it or decorate, it's now been 9 months. So this is something we simply don't have the funds for, we have tried the mobility trust but they just don't have the resources to help us. This wheelchair needs to be one that I have been assessed for and one I fit into. I know £5000 is a lot of money due to my height and disabilities it's the lower end of quality we will be going for. If you can spare even a £1 it may help us. If you can't spare money, thank you for reading this. If you could share I would appreciate it.
Thanks rich