Wheels for Struggling Single Mom
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Can you imagine this? You're a single mother. You wake up at 4:30 am. You have to leave the house (in a snowstorm) at 5:20 am with two kids ages 5 and under in tow. You don't have a car and your only choice that time of day is to use a service like uber. You drop the kids off at daycare while it's still dark, then continue on to the first shift at a fast-food restaurant. You wind up spending a big chunk of what you earn each day on that uber fare, but have no choice.
Wouldn't you want to help this hard-working single mother catch a break if you could?
Here's the back story: An old friend of my late father, Dave Begel, is a journalist who also drives for uber back in my hometown of Milwaukee. The other day, he gave a ride to this woman, an experience that he felt compelled to write about, and that, after I read his piece, has compelled me to work with him to try to help her. You can read it here:
We've gotten in touch with the woman Dave gave the ride to. Her name is Marticia Jenkins. We've sorted out a reliable but inexpensive used car for her, and are hoping to raise $4000 to cover buying the car, carseats, insurance and registration - maybe even something left for a gas card. Dave and I will take the money we raise here to buy the car for Marticia from Dave's neighbor, and get everything set up for her.
Please join us in helping to change this woman's life for the better.
Thank you!
NOTE: For the sake of transparency, and as we get more support, GoFundMe, has asked that we spell out a few details:
(1) My name is Kelly Evans-Pfeifer. I grew up in Milwaukee but now live in San Francisco. I'm just someone who read Dave Begel's OnMilwaukee story, worked with him to get in touch with Marticia Jenkins, and kicked off this campaign.
(2) Dave Begel is working directly with Marticia. So far we have sent the money as checks to pay for her car and the DMV title and transfer fees, and insurance and to buy carseats from Target and a club from Amazon.
(3) Now that, thanks to the article below, we are getting in more money than we needed for the car, we are using that money to get Marticia set up in an apartment of her own. The immediate cost is $1000 for deposit and first month rent. The apartment she's found needs a refrigerator so we are looking for a used fridge for her. Her only furniture is an airbed and a pack 'n play so we will help get her a few things there. We have/will have receipts for everything we use the generous donations for.
Wouldn't you want to help this hard-working single mother catch a break if you could?
Here's the back story: An old friend of my late father, Dave Begel, is a journalist who also drives for uber back in my hometown of Milwaukee. The other day, he gave a ride to this woman, an experience that he felt compelled to write about, and that, after I read his piece, has compelled me to work with him to try to help her. You can read it here:
We've gotten in touch with the woman Dave gave the ride to. Her name is Marticia Jenkins. We've sorted out a reliable but inexpensive used car for her, and are hoping to raise $4000 to cover buying the car, carseats, insurance and registration - maybe even something left for a gas card. Dave and I will take the money we raise here to buy the car for Marticia from Dave's neighbor, and get everything set up for her.
Please join us in helping to change this woman's life for the better.
Thank you!
NOTE: For the sake of transparency, and as we get more support, GoFundMe, has asked that we spell out a few details:
(1) My name is Kelly Evans-Pfeifer. I grew up in Milwaukee but now live in San Francisco. I'm just someone who read Dave Begel's OnMilwaukee story, worked with him to get in touch with Marticia Jenkins, and kicked off this campaign.
(2) Dave Begel is working directly with Marticia. So far we have sent the money as checks to pay for her car and the DMV title and transfer fees, and insurance and to buy carseats from Target and a club from Amazon.
(3) Now that, thanks to the article below, we are getting in more money than we needed for the car, we are using that money to get Marticia set up in an apartment of her own. The immediate cost is $1000 for deposit and first month rent. The apartment she's found needs a refrigerator so we are looking for a used fridge for her. Her only furniture is an airbed and a pack 'n play so we will help get her a few things there. We have/will have receipts for everything we use the generous donations for.
kelly evans-pfeifer
Milwaukee, WI