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When We Were Young and Unafraid Play

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Hello everyone! Thank you for considering a donation to our production of “When We Were Young and Unafraid” by Sarah Treem. Treem, a Golden Globe winner, wrote and produced the acclaimed series "The Affair” and “In Treatment”. The play unfolds in 1970, before the Violence Against Women Act. Agnes and her adoptive daughter Penny own a home for domestically abused women seeking to heal in a “home away from home”. A truthful re-telling of the female experience, each character’s experience embodies the challenges of womanhood at different stages of life. In this artistic collaboration, we will be partnering with local non-profit domestic abuse organizations to help raise awareness and expose the audience to the realities of these situations. Through ticket sales, we will donate a portion of the proceeds to domestic violence victims. Two performances will take place November 17th and 18th at 8:00 at the East Village Basement (321 E 9th Street). Ticket information will follow once funds have been raised.



  • Jonathan Kreuz
    • 50 $
    • 6 Mo
  • Heather Willson
    • 50 $
    • 6 Mo
  • Tanya Shaffer
    • 50 $
    • 6 Mo
  • James Whalen
    • 60 $
    • 6 Mo
  • Karen Shih
    • 20 $
    • 6 Mo


Olivia Sinnott
New York, NY

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt