Whiddon Family
Donation protected
As most of you know Zack Whiddon has a blood clot in his leg. He has not been able to walk and/or put pressure on this leg since November 2nd. On Monday, November 4th it was confirmed by ultrasound that he had a blood clot in his left leg. He was given medication and told he could not work for the next week and would need to keep his leg elevated as much as he could to reduce the swelling and hopefully ease some of the pain. By the next day he was in even more pain and was referred to Dr. Cawich at The Arkansas Heart Hospital. That night his pain became so unbearable that he was taken to the Arkansas Heart Hospital ER. He was evaluated and given medication for the pain and a shot to help reduce the clot quicker. The ER doctor wanted Zack to keep his scheduled appointment with Dr. Cawich for the next day. They stayed overnight and went to see Dr. Cawich the next morning. Dr. Cawich then sent Zack to the AHH Clinic to have another ultrasound done which confirmed his blood clot was 13 cm. At that time he was instructed to continue the medication as prescribed and not to return back to work until Dr. Cawich saw him again on November 20th. Zack was told when he returned back to the office if there was no change that he would be possibly looking at surgery to remove the clot. Zack saw Dr. Cawich’s nurse practitioner on November 20th. He is still not able to straighten his leg enough to walk or even able to put much pressure on it. She and Dr. Cawich decided they would not do surgery just yet. Zack has a lot of fluid built up around the clot that needs to be drained. As of now they are trying to find a Doctor/Surgeon who will take Zack as a patient to remove to fluid. Zack's records have been sent to Chi St Vincent to see if there is someone there who can do this procedure. At this point he has no idea when he will be able to return to work. Zack has never been one to EVER sit around. He is very headstrong on working all the time. November 1st was the last day Zack was able to work. He is a self-employed log truck driver with two children and a wife to provide for. He also has cattle that he has to take care of well as their monthly bills. Zack is the main provider for his family and could really use some help. He is definitely not one to ask for help which is why I have created this GoFundMe. Zack and Kayle have reached out to help a lot of people in need and now I feel as though it’s their turn to be on the receiving end in their time of hardship. If you feel the need to help them whether it be financially or in prayer I know they would be forever grateful.
Mallory Atkinson
Stephens, AR