Whim Grace NEW ALBUM
Hey guys! I've recorded my last EP secretly this winter at SunsetdigStudios . What's left is mixing, mastering, getting everything sent in to musical listening platforms, and promotion. I'm asking for any contributions you would like to give to help finish the project. I set the amount to $3000 because that is the base cost of my recording time. Many of you have asked how you can help or contribute, this is the best way! A little does a lot for an independent musician. Please share and ask friends who you think would be interested. Thank you so much!
My big pop hit "Fucked Up, Broken, Beautiful"
For those who don't know me, I've been gigging since I was 16. I play guitar and piano, and write all my own music. I've only publicly fundraised once before on Kickstarter 5 years ago, so the majority of my work has been self funded. This last year was hard on all of us, but I used the time to dive deeper into music and opening myself up.
Here's me covering Joni Mitchell's "River"
You can check out my music videos and original tunes on my youtube. You can hear past recordings on my bandcamp or on most streaming platforms. You can find me on FB or Instagram.
"The Last War" From my living room
Sending love, always
Whim Grace