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White Rabbit at Edinburgh Fringe!

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White Rabbit Theatre Company is a small, independent theatre company in Zurich, Switzerland, dedicated to putting on dynamic, creative and exciting new English-language theatre projects. 

In October 2018, White Rabbit successfully staged its first production, Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest". The show ran for four nights and was a great success thanks, in no small part, to the many people who donated their hard-earned money over the past 11 months to help get the first show off the ground. 

Now we are preparing an even more ambitious project for #2. The company is planning to take "The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Count Leo Tolstoy: Discord" (commonly called "Discord") by Scott Carter to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August 2019. But we need your help!

Taking a show to another city is expensive, let alone to another country. We have great faith in Discord and would love the experience of performing at the largest theatre gathering in the world. 

Your donations will help with venue rental costs, costumes, publicity and transportation of set. We would be unspeakably grateful for any help, large or small. 

If you visit the White Rabbit website (, you can find out more information about the Company, the Discord team, our last show, and how our Fringe plans are progressing so far. 

Thank you!!

Find out more about the Discord team and our plans for Edinburgh 2019


Now we have these fun incentives too!

"Friends" - 0-100 CHF donation - (A) Your name will be mentioned on the GoFundMe and White Rabbit websites. 

"Supporters" - 101-250 CHF donation - (B) As above (A), plus your name will appear in our performance programme. 

"Patrons" - 251-500 CHF donation - (C) As above (B), plus two (2) free tickets to the Rehearsed Reading of Discord in January or April 2019 (April date pending). 

"Backers" - [téléphone supprimé] CHF donation - (D) Your name will appear on the websites (A) and in the programme (B), plus two (2) free tickets to either the August performance in Edinburgh or the October performance in Switzerland (October date pending). 

"Producers" - 2501-5000 CHF donation - (E) As above (D), plus you will be listed as a "producer" of the show. 

"Angels of the Arts" - 5001+ CHF donation - (F) As above (A, B), plus you will be listed as a producer and White Rabbit will provide you with a free trip to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019 including airfare for two (2), two (2) nights at a hotel, free tickets to the show and an insider's guide to other performances at the Festival.


Courtney Marie
Zürich, ZH

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