WICIR - Supporting Undocumented Families
Donation protected
The Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights is fundraising to support undocumented families in the Washtenaw County area who might find themselves in difficult situations during this moment of crisis.
Many people have been laid off as efforts to stem the spread of the coronavirus bring everyday life to a standstill. But there's one crucial difference: Undocumented immigrants can't access benefits.
During these times we want to make sure that undocumented communities are not left behind. Our goal is to raise $25,000 and 100% of proceeds will go to undocumented families in Washenaw County.
For questions about the fundraiser email us at [email redacted]
WICIR - Who we are?
The Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights (WICIR) is a volunteer-based group of community members from Washtenaw County who are committed to advocating for immigrants rights. We work together in coalition because we understand that the oppression of one group of people endorses the oppression of any group of people, at anytime. Our immigrant population in Washtenaw County is currently being repeatedly raided by Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE). For more information visit https://wicir.org/.
***We note that it is disclosed above, "WICIR Fundraising and Maria Ibarra-Frayre are organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Maria Ibarra-Frayre." This fundraiser is on behalf of WICIR, and Maria Ibarra-Frayre is part of the WICIR Finance Committee.
Apoyo para familias indocumentadas durante la crisis de Covid19
La Coalición Interreligiosa de Washtenaw por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes está recaudando fondos para apoyar a las familias indocumentadas en el área del Condado de Washtenaw que podrían encontrarse en situaciones difíciles durante este momento de crisis.
Muchas personas han sido despedidas como un esfuerzo para detener la propagación del coronavirus. Pero hay una gran diferencia: los inmigrantes indocumentados no pueden acceder a muchos beneficios
Durante estos tiempos, queremos asegurarnos de que las personas indocumentadas no se queden atrás. Nuestro objetivo es recaudar $ 50,000 y el 100% de los ingresos se destinará a familias indocumentadas en el condado de Washenaw.
Para preguntas envíenos un correo electrónico a [email redacted].
WICIR - Quienes Somos?
(WICIR) es un grupo voluntario de miembros de la comunidad del condado de Washtenaw que se comprometen a defender los derechos de los inmigrantes. Trabajamos juntos en coalición porque entendemos que la opresión de un grupo de personas respalda la opresión de cualquier grupo de personas, en cualquier momento. Para mas informacion visite https://wicir.org/.
Many people have been laid off as efforts to stem the spread of the coronavirus bring everyday life to a standstill. But there's one crucial difference: Undocumented immigrants can't access benefits.
During these times we want to make sure that undocumented communities are not left behind. Our goal is to raise $25,000 and 100% of proceeds will go to undocumented families in Washenaw County.
For questions about the fundraiser email us at [email redacted]
WICIR - Who we are?
The Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights (WICIR) is a volunteer-based group of community members from Washtenaw County who are committed to advocating for immigrants rights. We work together in coalition because we understand that the oppression of one group of people endorses the oppression of any group of people, at anytime. Our immigrant population in Washtenaw County is currently being repeatedly raided by Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE). For more information visit https://wicir.org/.
***We note that it is disclosed above, "WICIR Fundraising and Maria Ibarra-Frayre are organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Maria Ibarra-Frayre." This fundraiser is on behalf of WICIR, and Maria Ibarra-Frayre is part of the WICIR Finance Committee.
Apoyo para familias indocumentadas durante la crisis de Covid19
La Coalición Interreligiosa de Washtenaw por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes está recaudando fondos para apoyar a las familias indocumentadas en el área del Condado de Washtenaw que podrían encontrarse en situaciones difíciles durante este momento de crisis.
Muchas personas han sido despedidas como un esfuerzo para detener la propagación del coronavirus. Pero hay una gran diferencia: los inmigrantes indocumentados no pueden acceder a muchos beneficios
Durante estos tiempos, queremos asegurarnos de que las personas indocumentadas no se queden atrás. Nuestro objetivo es recaudar $ 50,000 y el 100% de los ingresos se destinará a familias indocumentadas en el condado de Washenaw.
Para preguntas envíenos un correo electrónico a [email redacted].
WICIR - Quienes Somos?
(WICIR) es un grupo voluntario de miembros de la comunidad del condado de Washtenaw que se comprometen a defender los derechos de los inmigrantes. Trabajamos juntos en coalición porque entendemos que la opresión de un grupo de personas respalda la opresión de cualquier grupo de personas, en cualquier momento. Para mas informacion visite https://wicir.org/.
Organizer and beneficiary
WICIR Fundraising
Ann Arbor, MI
Maria Ibarra