Wiebe Family Go Fund Me Page
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On June 26, 2021, Shelbi gave birth to her and her husband’s (Nelson) beautiful son, Marshall. It was their dream to be parents and both were overjoyed to have Marshall join their family and to start a new chapter of their lives. Unfortunately, they didn’t know what this new chapter held for them. During the 8 week postpartum follow-up, Shelbi was informed that she had some irregular cells. A sample of the cells were taken and sent to the Cross Cancer Institute for a biopsy to be performed. The tests came back with the worst news imaginable. Shelbi has a rare, highly-aggressive form of cancer called Mixed Neuroendocrine Small Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix. Action was taken immediately in hopes of preventing the cancer from spreading. In addition to treatment, Shelbi also needed to act fast in order to preserve some of her eggs to keep the option of expanding their family in the future. This fertility treatment was expensive (over $10,000) and with Shelbi on maternity leave and Nelson missing time at work, finances were being stretched to their limit.
Shelbi underwent a radical hysterectomy on December 16th to remove all cancerous areas. Following the surgery, she began chemo. Unfortunately, after 1 round of chemo, she suffered a massive pulmonary embolism that nearly took her life. Because of the severity of it, we could not continue with multiple rounds of chemo; however, the doctors were confident that all the cancer was removed in the surgery.
Fast forward to June 2. Shelbi had undergone her first follow-up PET scan and the results were once again not what they wanted to hear. The cancer is back and has spread to her lymph nodes. Within a week Shelbi began chemotherapy again. She completed four highly aggressive doses of chemotherapy and 25 rounds of radiation. During that time, Shelbi suffered with kidney failure in her right kidney. It was found that an additional tumour had grown and was blocking her right ureter making it impossible for her kidney to drain. The pain eventually became excruciating and the oncology team decided to place a nephrostomy tube to relief the pressure on the kidney. After 5 weeks with the nephrostomy tube an infection occurred and the tube was replaced with an internal stent.
Between the side effects of treatment and kidney stress, Shelbi has been in quite a bit of pain. While waiting for her next PET scan at the end of January 2023, Shelbi had another MRI done. Shortly after she received a call from her oncologist. During this discussion her oncologist was upfront with her and told her to prepare herself that the PET scan would reveal that the cancer is still there. Unfortunately, given the rarity and aggressiveness of the cancer, treatment options in Canada have been exhausted. Without any treatment, Shelbi was looking at one, maybe two more years.
The decision has been made to pursue a more targeted treatment in Scottsdale, Arizona. But as many people know, treatment outside of Canada comes with a price tag…a big one.
With the stress of the treatment, caring for Marshall, and financial instability, Shelbi and Nelson would be extremely thankful for any help you are able to offer. This could be in the form of a donation, providing a meal, walking their dog, assisting with house cleaning, or providing a shoulder to cry on during their toughest moments.
As the situation progresses, Shelbi will be sending out email updates. If you would like to receive these updates, please leave a comment below with your email address to be added to the list.
“Thank you for your love, prayers, kindness, and support. We feel overwhelmed by the support we have received and are thankful for the amazing family and friends in our lives.
Nelson, Shelbi and Marshall”
Fundraising team: Shelbi's Army (2)
Kelti Biggs
Leduc, AB
Shelbi Wiebe
Lynda Fletcher
Team member