Quintan Ana Wikswo Medical Support
I sustained a traumatic brain injury with resulting complications during a femicide-based hate crime I survived while engaged in civil rights fieldwork in conflict and post-conflict zones.
I do not have any health insurance and require specialized treatment that is not covered by medicaid. I am raising money for treatment on the east coast.
I have been a human rights fieldworker since 1987, and now my interdisciplinary projects integrate fiction, poetry, memoir, and essay with her original photographs, performance, and video. These semi-autobiographical projects inhabit occluded and obscured sites over time, and dwell within complex histories at the intersection of gender, disability, queerness, and race, with a special focus on human rights aftermath issues.
I've written two poem-prose-memoir-novel-stories
books with photographs - THE HOPE OF FLOATING HAS CARRIED ME THIS FAR (Coffee House Press) and A LONG CURVING SCAR WHERE THE HEART SHOULD BE (Stalking Horse Press). Another form of support is purchasing those books from the publishers' websites.
You can learn more about my arts and human rights work by watching this short Creative Capital video about my projects.
If you are interested in an original signed print in exchange for your support, please email me.