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Wildfire relief for Hannah and Blake

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Late Monday, September 7, my daughter Hannah was evacuated from her home due to the wildfires heading toward them in Leaburg, OR.  Blake and his dad tried to stay behind to do everything they could to save the house and animals. Tuesday around 6pm, the police forced them out of the home leaving behind their whole life. They are currently staying a hotel not knowing if they will have a home to go to when this is all over. Currently, the wildfires are all around the house and chances of any sort of survival of the home is slim to none. There were a total of 6 people, 3 dogs and 4 or 5 chickens (which they were forced to leave behind) in the home.  They were able to take the dogs, thankfully.  The money raised will go to a new place for Hannah and Blake to live, clothes, furniture, food, and gas.  I plan to try and fly out the end of September to do whatever I can to help get this family back on their feet. My heart is hurting right now as my baby girl just moved out there 2 months ago to start her life and its all gone within a matter of minutes.  Being that I am in Michigan, there isn't anything I can do right now.  Please help if you can!!! I also have a PayPal and Facebook pay. Message me if you would like as well.


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Jessica Stillson
Grand Rapids, MI

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