Help Cobargo Wildlife
Cobargo NSW was flattened. Totally decimated by fire.
In amongst that carnage were an amazing couple that raise and care for kangaroos.
They quietly go about their business, donate to every cause and help
others without a moments hesitation.
They were back on their property within 48 hours to find everything
gone. EVERYTHING! There was nothing left. They arrived with a trailer load of food for their kangaroos and slept in their car as they waited for their family to come "home".
Never once did they acknowledge the material loss around them.
With camping gear and their love for our wildlife they have been
feeding and helping the animals that are appearing from the ash.
Their wombats that they lovingly treated from mange and restored to
full health are buried in their burrows.
They dragged the electrocuted body of a kangaroo that they raised
from a joey from under a fallen power pole.They are euthanising the badly burnt animals that they are finding,
caring for those that they feel they can help and only just this morning
sat with a female kangaroo as she passed away promising her they will care for her little 5kg son that she had kept safely tucked away in her
pouch as she bore the brunt of the carnage around her.
They have no water and need a tank.
They have little feed for everyone.
They are taking wildlife into the nearest vets for help.
They are relying on the kindness of strangers - only a few nights ago a
man waved them down as they headed into town for supplies and
offered them a bed.
They need funds. They need disposable cash to help them provide for
the wounded. Not to mention themselves.
They need supplies to rebuild now. Not in a few weeks or months time.
They will not leave their animals. They believe their presence is needed there to show the animals that
survived there is help for them too and that have not been forsaken on their watch.
This fundraiser is for Gary Henderson and Sara Tilling. Two amazing people that were bought to their knees
(literally) that picked themselves up, dusted themselves off, wiped their tear stained faces and turned to
the survival of our wildlife. Not just "theirs"; OURS.
Australian wildlife is in all our care. Everyone can do something to help. Please help by helping and supporting those that are going hungry, going without showers, going without a roof over their heads and never
When Gary and Sara say; "This is about the animals." They mean it.
They have no social media page and would never dream of promoting themselves in any way.
So this is where we all come in.
Please help these quiet achievers achieve. Please donate. Please share this fundraiser. Please ask at your workplace if everyone would like to do a group donation. THANK YOU!
Follow Gary and Sara on a newly created FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/cobargowildlifesanctuary/
“For it is in giving that we receive.” ~Francis of Assisi
**A bit about us - the fundraisers
Kat runs Little Urchins Wildlife Sanctuary in Central Victoria
Nikki runs Red Box Wildlife Shelter also in Central Victoria
We both love and admire Gary and Sara and listening to them cry,
trying to catch their breath as they struggle to comprehend their world was to much for us to bare.
Others need to be aware of the great people tucked away in our
bush-land quietly helping our unique and ancient wildlife.