Wilfredo Torres Funeral and Burial Fund
My name is Kristy Kennedy. My family and I have lived in Washington, DC for 24 yearsMy daughter, Madison Kennedy -Noce, has worked at Rock Creek Horse Center for the last 3 years and was a friend of Wilfredo’s. Madison worked with Wilfredo Torres at Rock Creek Horse center for the past 12 months, that he was employed. there.
Wilfredo was 17 years old. He was killed suddenly on Saturday, February 22nd. His. family does not have enough money for his funeral and burial expenses. The money raised through Go Fund Me will be given to his father, Jose Osmin Torres, who is also employed at Rock Creek Horse Center. I am working directly with Amber Power, the Manager at Rock Creek Horse and Jose’s Torres supervisor, to ensure that the funds are given directly to Jose. This GoFundMe Account has been locked and Under Review since March. I have sent multiple emails, on a weekly basis, to their Customer Happiness Team, in addition to Support@wePay.com, asking for someone. to please help me understand why the account is under review and Funds could. not be withdrawn. I received no response. I was given multiple dates , through the site, stating when I would receive the check, yet each week came and went and no check arrived. I did not receive any assistance until I sent an email informing GoFundMe that I would be pursuing legal action . This customer service experience has been deplorable. When the GoFundMe account is finally, no longer Under Review, and the funds raised are mailed to me in a check. I will deposit this money in my account, and then immediately write a check to Jose Torres from my account and hand deliver it to Amber Power, at Rock Creek Horse Center. Jose Torres did not have an email address, therefore I was unable to link this campaign to his bank account, through the GoFund Me site. Most people do not have money set aside to bury a child. Wilfredo’s family is no different . This was tragedy that occurred suddenly and through the kindness of friends and strangers, we look forward to presenting Wilfredo’s family with this money, that is desperately needed , most appreciated and long awaited.