Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

William "Sonny" Lea

Spende geschützt
The family of William “Sonny” Lea, request your assistance with helping to defray the cost of funeral related expenses. Sonny passed away as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident where he was rear-ended. Sonny spent his life doing for others. From driving kids to college, to sponsoring free trips, to making regular visitations to prison institutions, to rendering financial assistance; Sonny was always there for those in need.
Unfortunately, while Sonny made sure everybody else was “alright”, he neglected himself.  He had no life insurance policy.
Because Sonny gave so unselfishly to the community, we’re respectfully asking the community to now give back to Sonny.
The family thanks you for your consideration.


  • Sheila Welch-Wooten
    • $75
    • 6 yrs


Elijah Langford
Atlantic City, NJ

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