New Books Series Debuting this Spring
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Willie and the Magic Time-Traveling Locket: Discover King Tut's Tomb.
Have you ever wished you could step back in time, just for a day to witness history in the making? To live through the experience with all the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings from that bygone era? To listen to the conversations and immerse yourself in the moment?
Readers aged 7 to 97 will discover a new-found passion for history as they share the time-traveling adventures of Willie—a precocious dog whose favorite television programming is The History Channel.
Forbidden access to an unlocked attic door leads to discovering a magic locket that whisks Willie up in a tornado-like funnel and lands him on the hot desert sands in the Valley of the Kings—one hundred years ago, for a dog' s-eye view of the opening of King Tut’s tomb.
Below is an image of Willie discovering the magic locket in an attic trunk. The next image shows the magical feel in Willie's time-travel world at King Tut's Tomb. Each time-travel picture includes Willie. He's integrated in the foreground as well as the background, giving readers one more dimension of fun—finding Willie.
Below is an excerpt from the book:
Willie knew from The History Channel that this huge golden coffin had been designed to house another coffin inside, and then a third coffin was inside of that one. It reminded him of Janey’s Russian doll that Aunt Lucy gave her last Christmas. A hollow wooden doll opened to reveal another identical but smaller doll. Then a smaller doll fit snugly inside it, and a smaller one nestled inside that one, and so forth until the last doll was a tiny replica of the first, largest doll.
The archeologists referred to this King Tut coffin as the outer coffin or sarcophagus. Relief-type shallow designs covered the entire surface representing the Boy King in various poses and activities. An odd, long object hung from its chin, which Willie knew was the beard-like symbol of a deity—a god. The ancient Egyptians believed in many gods—about 200 of them, as he recalled.
The newspaper identified two objects in the king’s hands as a crook and flail, symbolizing the king’s right to rule. The crook looked like a short cane, and the flail looked like something you could use to swat flies or to encourage a horse to gallop by swatting its rear end. Willie had seen movies where noble lords and ladies used something like that. His vision of people racing their horses occupied his mind until he realized he could get a little closer to see the head of the coffin. It had the face of the king with his headdress that included a cobra and a vulture—two more symbols of ancient Egyptian gods.
Howard Carter and his team would take two more years to open the last of the three coffins, and Willie felt ever so grateful for his own gold treasure, which allowed him to speed through space and time. Time travel could be a bit dizzying, but the rewards were oh-so-great! It was time to move on to the next event, he said to himself as he clicked open the locket.
As an award-winning designer and accomplished writer, I’ve written books for other people—primarily memoirs for families and businesses. Now, I am writing a book series that breathes life into historical events while making them fun and informative.
Of course, Willie is a rather extraordinary canine who narrates his discovery with insightful comparisons of life experiences with family, neighbors, and his four-legged friends. His childlike spirit provides humor and insights that make the adventure relatable to his readers.
King Tut’s tomb is only the beginning. Members of Willie’s Fan Club will be asked for their input for a fly-on-the-wall type visit with historical figures and events. Willie’s trip to ancient Egypt just whetted his appetite for new adventures.
To add to the learning experience, I am creating three varying-skill-level companion books that will include word puzzles, mazes, and coloring pages. These reinforce what is learned in the storybook while providing book owners with creative, skill-building activities.
To help young readers, I’ve created a glossary with pronunciations and images. To further enhance the learning, an audiobook can also be purchased.
Eight reward packages have been created as thank-you gifts for donors. They range from a $2 donation reward to much more, with most items in the $50 or less range.
Please review the video on my website https://Prelaunch.SpecialEditions.ink
You can order your rewards directly on this site, then click the link to this site to make a pledge.
Thanks you for helping me bring this book series to fruition.
—Paula Bartell Slavens

Paula Slavens
Beaverton, OR