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Moving Fund Raiser

Spende geschützt

Four years ago in February 2015 wishbass suffered a catastrophic fire that completely destroyed our shop on McCreary St in Winston Salem. 

With help from generous customers and friends we were able to  relocate to 1245 Ivy Ave, but we were left with a large debt level. 

Recently the market has slowed, and out cost for parts has risen largely due to the Trade War and increased tariffs with China, In addition the political uncertainty had further dampened the market. 

So, to make a long story short, I am planning to move to Sparta, NC, where I learned to make instruments forty and more years ago. 

I figure i will need ten thousand  dollars to move, upgrade equipment, and buy a vehicle more suited to mountain roads 

 Show your love of music by giving what you can, and plan to buy some great instruments in the future.

If you dont feel able to help, we have two Wishbass books on kindle, and in paperback, so you can get a fine book for $19.99, and help the cause. Just search Amazon for wishbass. 

Thank you.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Stephen T Wishnevsky
Winston-Salem, NC

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