with Kidney Donation & Research
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December 7th, 2021….that is the day JJ Jeffries officially became an #organdonor, donating a left #kidney to one of his best friends, Jey Yokeley. To say the least, it was a day they will never forget. An early morning wake up in Winston Salem at Wake Forest Baptist Medical - to which Jey and JJ being former athletes (and their wives) referred to as “Game Day”.
That day, aside from July 2022 when we married our wives, was by far the most single impactful day of our lives. Everything, and I mean everything, instantly became noise. The fragility of life became real. The importance of family, friendship, and relationship became ever so more powerful. The day was here, where we would literally become blood brothers and form a bond that could never be explained by words.
When people inevitably found out after the surgery, it took many by shock - and understandably so. We ourselves before this day would have thought the same thing. It’s not every day you hear stories of an living organ donor….but often times we thought, “why not?” So it got us thinking….”JJ, why aren’t you advocating?” Why aren’t you helping change the narrative, that more people out there just like you could literally help save a life?"
According to the #NationalKidneyFoundation, on average the transplant waitlist (for a deceased kidney) is 3-5 years, and much longer in some areas of the country. However, if you have an approved living donor that clears the medical tests required, the wait can literally be days. It’s a game changer for someone in need, with little to no change whatsoever in lifestyle post recovery. Yes, #Donating can seem daunting and far from reality, with the countless questions and tests, but JJ and Jey are living proof that there are THOUSANDS out there that could save the life of someone in need - helping eradicate the waitlist as it stands today for many of those in dire need.
I’m sure many of you in your networks have a friend or loved one that has been impacted by kidney disease; and if so, we encourage you to support them, as many of you do already. But don’t rule out donating - to give the gift of life. That day JJ realized he forever changed Jey’s life, but Jey forever changed his. It reminded them both that our days are counted and it matters how we live them. Be bold. You will never regret that decision.
A special thanks to the amazing surgeons and team Wake Forest Baptist for such a successful surgery. To our wives Jordan and Dani for standing by our side every step of the way, and our incredible support system of family, friends, colleagues, and two outstanding companies in Capco and TransImpact that stood behind us through this entire journey.
If you or someone you know if going through this similar journey, please do not hesitate to reach out. Support is just around the corner!
-JJ & Jey
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause which means so much to us.
More information about the National Kidney Foundation: The National Kidney Foundation is the leading organization in the U.S. dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease for hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals, millions of patients and their families, and tens of millions of Americans at risk.
JJ Jeffries
Charlotte, NC
National Kidney Foundation