Wlad Gurtovy's Family: War Refugees in Poland
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My friend Wlad Gurtovy is a lawyer in Ukraine, with a wife and two teenage children. In 2014, he lived in East Ukraine. War came, and he and his family had to flee, leaving most of their possessions behind. They started over in Kyiv. They were eventually able to build a normal life, but hadn't achieved the same level of prosperity.
In 2022, war came to them again, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Wlad's wife and children evacuated to Poland. As an able-bodied male, Wlad's duty was to stay behind in Kyiv, where he serves as part of his country's Territorial Defense. As an experienced radio operator, Wlad is already contributing his expertise and leadership to the defense of his country. Nevertheless, he knows that Ukraine will prevail, and he has insisted that I use his real name.
Since Ukraine is now on a 100% war footing, the normal economy has ground to a halt. As a result, Wlad has no salary or other source of income. But his family has their normal living expenses in a foreign land.
I am in the business of presenting continuing legal education programs for American lawyers, and I knew that Wlad's story would be an inspiration to Americans, and especially to his fellow lawyers. Therefore, I worked with him to put together a program. Instead of accepting payment, I am offering this program for free and asking you to make a voluntary payment to Wlad. I will send all money received directly to Wlad's wife and children in Poland.
If you are on this page because you took the CLE program, please consider giving as much as you would typically pay for a CLE class. If you haven't watched the program, it is available at this link:
Anyone is free to watch the program. If you are a lawyer, there are instructions on that page for obtaining free CLE credit.
Richard Clem
St. Paul, MN