WoC runners Copenhagen 5k fundraiser
Tax deductible
Do you want to join us in making a difference? We're raising money in aid of Girls Gotta Run Foundation, Inc. and every donation will help.
Girls Gotta Run have impacted the lives of over 1,300 people in Ethiopia by investing in girls and their mothers. They support teenage girls to stay in school and stay healthy.
If every runner who joins us donates a mere $5, we will hit our target. $10 and we start to have an impact.
Donations go directly to the bank account of the GGR foundation.
More information about Girls Gotta Run Foundation, Inc.: Support 120 grade 5-7 student-athletes in Ethiopia with school funding, coaching, training and life skills.
Established 2006. IRS approved 501(c)3.
Andrew Tolley
Washington D.C., DC
Girls Gotta Run Foundation, Inc.